Harvard Centre on the Developing Child – world leading research and training on children’s mental health and development with many excellent and informative videos & other resources https://developingchild.harvard.edu/about/
Beacon House warm team of clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and OTs with a brilliant website offering current, informative and practical free downloadable videos, infographics and other materials; special interest in repairing the effects of trauma and attachment disruption. https://beaconhouse.org.uk/
Self Help - A website with many useful free downloadable CBT activity / information sheets on a wide range of emotions from anger, anxiety to flashbacks and many more: http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/freedownloads.htm
'The National Child Traumatic Stress Network' has wide-ranging information about the different types of stress experienced by children and young people. It also offers excellent downloadable resources for young people, parents, carers and education staff: http://www.nctsn.org/
MindEd is a top website offering information, resources, courses and more about Mental Health matters. Registration necessary but free: https://www.minded.org.uk/
The Cornwall Healthy Schools Website offers a wealth of information and this link takes you to the Well-being section, which has many useful resources about building resilience, supporting young people who self-harm, staff well-being and more: http://www.cornwallhealthyschools.org/wellbeing/
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy: http://www.bacp.co.uk/
Margot Sunderland's Centre for Child Mental Health: http://www.childmentalhealthcentre.org/
Dr Dan Siegel's site about the human brain and the cultivation of wellbeing: http://drdansiegel.com/
Dan Hughes' site: http://www.danielhughes.org/place.html
Accessible site with information on Transactional Analysis: http://www.businessballs.com/transact.htm/
Peer Massage in Schools Programme: http://www.massageinschoolsassociation.org.uk/
TED Talks for many powerful discussions e.g. this excellent piece on the workings of the adolescent brain:
Young Minds: a great online resource with up-to-date articles and resources for young people, parents and the professionals: http://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Mindfulness Meditation in schools:
Peter Levine's inspiring work on trauma healing:
Familiy Futures: brilliant site focusing on supporting adoption, fostering and supporting children in care:
Ian Siddons Heginworth's Environmental Arts Therapy: inspirational and original writer and trainer using nature for catharsis, resource building and healing: http://www.environmentalartstherapy.co.uk/
Drug abuse information and recovery: https://www.columbusrecoverycenter.com/drugs/